Architecture - Masters

Sandgate Intergenerational Campus

Sandgate Intergenerational Campus creates a self-sustaining community consisting of senior living accommodations, a secondary school campus, supporting and commercial facilities. The design merges the functions and encourages a closer visual and physical connection between youths and seniors, the buildings, and the community. It also promotes passive design strategies and sustainable development to avoid natural disasters such as flooding, reduce the heat island effect and regulate the microclimate.


Overall Master Layout Plan

The overall master layout of the intergenerational living and learning campus. Design intent comes from connectivity and accessibility. The high connectivity of spatial allocation and accessibility encourages users’ interaction, welcomes visitors, and enhances community relationships.

Building footprint & Access

Multiple accesses to bring people to the shared facilities and the public space of the site. Also, diverse paths are designed to guide people across the site and to the shorefront.


Multiple accesses to bring people to the shared facilities and the public space of the site. Also, diverse paths are designed to guide people across the site and to the shorefront.

Open Spaces

The paths connect to the public open spaces to maximize the relationship between human activities and nature. The public open spaces are nodes where gather people and attract outdoor activities.

transport and parking

The orange lines are the expected pedestrian flow from the surrounding and the black lines are the traffic flow.

activity space

The master layout divided the spaces into two types, which are active spaces and passive spaces. The school campus apparently separates the two spaces that encircle the sports facilities inside, forming a sound barrier to minimize the noise.

Stage 1 Layout Plan

The red dotted line outlines the stage one development that includes the whole school campus, most senior living accommodations, and the drop-off and parking space. The remaining accommodations, supporting, and commercial facilities here will be stage two development. The open spaces next to the road could be reserved for the future senior living extension to fit Brighton’s prospective aging issue. One of the features of the master layout plan design is the waterscape in between the buildings. The water feature is an element that could attract people’s attention so as to guide them inside the site. Water has a high heat capacity and it plays a very important role in temperature regulation for the microclimate of the site.

Site sections

The buildings are settled on a 700-millimeter high concrete platform to avoid flooding. A continuous bridge connects to all the first floor of the living accommodations and the school. It also provides a covered walkway as a veranda that acts as an indicator to guide people to the spaces. Besides, there are long planters that allow seniors to cultivate. As most of the surrounding buildings are two-story in Brighton. The two-story new building campus merges into the site that does not destroy the city’s sightline.

Rendering – Communal space

The rendering shows the open space in between the school campus and the senior living accommodations. The waterscape across the area is quite shallow so that people can play without any risks. The area acts as an outdoor learning space and gathering space. It could promote the interactions between the seniors and the students to achieve co-learning and co-care. Passive shadings are adopted and the indoor areas are set back to block the excessive sunlight.

Stage 1 Ground Floor Plan

The classrooms are set back from the building facade, and a 3-meter width corridor is formed along with the building envelopes. The building has a high porosity and permeability that promotes cross-ventilation in the school campus. There are bi-fold doors in the classrooms that allow an extension of space and bring the indoor space outdoors. It could also enhance the visual connections with the seniors. There are outdoor gyms here to promote co-fitness. The trees nearby provide a shading effect to the outdoor spaces and the building and help reduce solar radiation on the ground and building facades.

Rendering – General Learning Space

This is the interior view from the standard general learning spaces. The wood flooring extends from inside to outside expressing the connection of both indoor and outdoor spaces. So when the bi-fold door is fully opened, the indoor area turns into a semi-outdoor learning space.

Rendering – Senior Living Space

And this is the interior view from the senior living accommodation. The veranda acts as the main circulation of the site, it is also a covered outdoor market or called ‘veranda vending’ that allows seniors to sell their handicrafts and crops.

Stage 1 First Floor Plan

There are bridges connecting the seniors living accommodations and the school. The bridge also connects to the balconies of the accommodations. That could encourage the seniors to go to the school and use the shared facilities such as the home economics room, library, design and technology room, the indoor gym, and outdoor theatres.

Rendering – Outdoor Theatre

This rendering shows one of the outdoor theatres that stair-seatings are provided that encourage the school and the community to hold small events here. Also, the theatres connect with the bridges to provide easy access for the seniors.

Rendering – Passive Shading

This is the view from the first floor of the senior living accommodations. So here you can see the architectural fins are adopted as passive shading. It also shows the visual and physical connection to the school campus, outdoor theatre and the public outdoor space on the ground floor.

Building Sections

These sections show the vertical and horizontal spatial relationships. The buildings are closely located, sharing the same outdoor spaces and they are connected through bridges. There are two units for each story of the living accommodations, while the balconies on the first floor are shared so the spaces also enhance the relationships of the neighbors.

Typical Floor Plan (Senior Living Space – General Learning Space)

The plan shows the relation of standard living accommodation, outdoor public space and the learning spaces. There are movable partitions in the general learning spaces that allow feasibility to change the classrooms to a larger multi-function room. And the rooms could be the ideal spaces to hold common activities for both seniors and students.

Building Sections

This section demonstrates the common space between the school and the living accommodation. It shows the visual connection of the spaces and the physical connection through the outdoor public spaces.

This section also demonstrates the relationship between the living accommodation, the outdoor theatre, and the school that they are connecting through the bridge and veranda.

Detail Sections

The detail section demonstrates the structural and construction details. The design mainly consists of three elements, which are wood, concrete, and water. Concrete provides good sound insulation and is hard to erode so it is perfect for the site that is located next to the sea. Wood is renewable that it is a sustainable natural material and carries the lowest carbon footprint of any comparable building materials. And the wood materials are applying to the sun shading device for the school and living accommodations, wood deck and flooring, and wood slat ceiling. And the last element, water. It acts as a leisure function, attracts people’s attention, and also provides a cooling effect on the surrounding environment.

Kam Lun HO

Kam Lun Ho is an international student from Hong Kong. He graduated from the City University of Hong Kong. He has two years of working experience in a Hong Kong-based architectural firm with the focus on an 800 million HKD contract sum luxury residential housing development. He was also a research assistant at the City University of Hong Kong, with expertise in 3D laser scan repairing, merging, and researching on 3D modelling software.