Architecture - Masters

Roma Movement Centre

The Roma Movement Centre is a multi-functional facility integrated into the Roma Street Parkland's residential and recreational precinct. In support to those experiencing homelessness, the building is implemented to generate growth, development and vision for the future of the lives of many young people leaving the foster care system.

Brisbane // HOmelessness

| homelessness

Homelessness spans across all stages in life and often is an unpredicted circumstance. The chronic shortage of affordable and available rental housing; and long term unemployment aren’t the only instances that force people out of homes.

| reasonings

Domestic and family Violence
Intergenerational poverty
Financial crisis
Economic and social exclusion
Severe and persistent mental illness and psychological Distress
Exiting state care
Exiting prison
Severe overcrowding/ housing crisis

| young people

Alleviating homelessness in the younger generation is a major step towards a home-ful future for those who struggle to find stability in their lives.
Experiencing homelessness at a young age increases the chances of continued or revisitng homelessness later in their years of life.

| a helpless cycle

Homelessness influences a disengagement from education and employment opportunities causing a cycle that is very difficult for an individual to leave on their own.

Within this cycle, they are exposed to factors dentrimental to health: alcohol, drugs, unsafe sexual encounters, violence and an overall unhealthy life-style. (Homelessness Australia, 2016)

| state care

In many cases, the fostering and juvenile justice setting only creates an increased risk of homelessness for youth under this system. Turning 18 under this system is not much of a celebration can be extremely difficult when they are cut off from official relational and financial support. Therefore transitioning into independent living can be a hardship as there is a lack of education during and after care.

| multiple placement

Multiple placement is also a major contribution to the impermanence and lack of stability in the lives of young people under state care. This is due to care-giver related, child behaviour and system or policy-related issues and are often all interrelated as part of a cycle.

The Neglect of Health in Young People under State Care | a major contribution to their homelessness

// Vision



Shuttle Bus Stop

Connecting with Queensland Rail, the movement centre’s shuttle stop aims to prevent limitations from active participation with the program. Located on the basement level, the direct stairway up to the lower ground level where provides easy access to the centre facilities for both participants and the general public.

Multi-Functional Hall

During the day, this space is available for team training and open use by the public.. It is a communal court that holds value in breaking barriers between those experiencing and not experiencing homelessness. Annual sporting competitions and fundraising events take place in this facility to bring forward the true purpose of this indoor court.
A flexible indoor space purposely available also as a dining hall at night for those vulnerable to homelessness. Storage space is organised below spectator stands to accommodate the multi-functional sports hall.

Private Gym

An inviting space for active participation to encourage social interaction with people at all stages of life situations. A place for people to share a common space where barriers are broken to benefit those who are experiencing homelessness.

Foyer and Study Atrium

Open study areas on Level 1 available to provide support in participant’s learning and education whether it is inside or outside The Home-ful Program. As isolation is a prominent aspect in participant’s lives, providing such a space within an existing and established community encourages community growth and support.

Kid’s Hub

The day care facility broadens the building demographic, inviting young mothers to partake in this facility without limitation of providing care for their child. Creating a community around children and family also aid in social growth for those experiencing homelessness.

Research Office

A team of specialists located within the movement centre gaining research towards homelessness prevention and management, providing a branch of job opportunities for the upcoming and experienced academics.

Mind Theatre

Held above all functioning spaces, the mind theatre aims to focus on internal planning and self development of participating sports team members and individuals eager to learn skills towards sustainable and independent living. Searching for career options, life skills such as cooking and cleaning education are all provided in order to make the transition into independent living easier.

Reflection Deck

A stretching and yoga deck is surrounded by a single running track with additional training rooms for smaller numbers as an extension above the Gym’s purpose of producing social interaction. This level focusses on personal and individual reflection and development on one’s own motivation.

Creating a space where young people have a place to focus their talents with sports is worth the investment towards homelessness prevention. Setting them up in an environment filled with team encouragement earlier in their lives, having direction from coaches
and learning independence can become a grounding aspect in the future lives of young people.

Stephanie Chan

Stephanie graduated with a Bachelor of Design (Honours) majoring in Architecture and Interior Design. She enjoys creating organic, innovative spaces that draws occupants further into the design to use the space with purpose and excitement. Through her learning experience, she is interested in the opportunities leading towards a more sustainable future for the building industry.