Architecture - Honours

Rise Res Publica: Hall of Democracy

Andrea Indrananda and Jessica Selhorst present: The Hall of Democracy - a new address for residents of Queensland to engage with a transparent and effective democratic government.
The building respects its present and future context as well as its climate by implementing climate-responsive strategies, managing building form to conform with surrounding heights, and connecting with two existing government buildings near the site.
The program of the Hall embodies democracy as a symbiotic relationship between people and their representatives, strengthening both ownership and accountability.

The Walkthrough


The Design

Site Locality Plan
Entry to site
Diagrams indicating massing of building beginning with identifying entry points, carving out the building entry points, creating a stepped form to respect surround heights, and massing its angular forms to reflect the seven proposed portfolios that will inhabit the building.
Ground floor plan indicating landscaping, entries into the building, and building program.
Render of side entry during night time, particularly highlighting the building's façade system which lights up.
Cross-section of building indicating sunken square, auditorium space, amenities, fire escape, lobby, and stepped roof.
Longitudinal section of building indicating the basement car park space and the offices above


Site model of building with surrounding context and building massing

the details

Ground floor plan - documentation
Basement plan - documentation
Elevations - documentation
Cross-section - documentation
1:20 detailed sections - documentation
Roof details - documentation
Facade to slab details - documentation
Facade to roof details - documentation

After many weeks of snack-fueled collaboration sessions, rigorous documentation, and celebrating tiny victories along the way, we are extremely proud and happy with the work we have completed for the Hall of Democracy – Jess & Andrea

Andrea Indrananda

Andrea is driven by architecture's ability to transcend culture and time, facilitate social and civic transformation, and enrich local communities. She is particularly interested in spaces for learning - schools, community hubs, and whole cities alike. She hopes changes big and small can come from architecture that prioritises sustainability and social responsibility.